
這是一套主要針對MySQL Fork(MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB)的欄位進行加密管理的第三方工具

  • MyDiamo運作原理
    它是屬於MySQL管理層和Storage Engine層之間的一個Plugin,透過自行設定的原則來對InnoDB或MyISAM表的欄位進行加密。(如圖一)
    軟體安裝好後,它有自已的管理介面,要在這個介面中先設定好【原則】,接著在此原則之下設定有哪些【欄位】要使用這個原則,再來就是設定有哪些【使用者】被授予這些欄位的權限為何,最後再執行plugin所屬的migration funcation對資料表欄位進行加密。


  • 在安裝前要先註冊帳號,它才會把軟體下載的連結寄給你…

  • MyDiamo安裝
    在下載軟體的時候要注意,它不是全部的版本都支援的,它只支援部份小版本,例如:MySQL 5.7.12不支援…等,所以要先確認目前資料庫的版本再來下載,更多的版本內容請看官網啦:Support Platform


    [root@mysql-course D`Amo_MyDiamo_v3.0.9.4]# ./ -p /opt/mysql -h -P 3307
                 MyDiamo Install Script
    Input MySQL/MariaDB root Password :  
    NDB Cluster : No
    DBMS : MySQL
    VERSION : 5.7.16
    COMPILE MACHINE : 64 bit
    MySQL/MariaDB CONFIG : normal
    MySQL/MariaDB PLUGIN DIR : /opt/mysql/lib/plugin/
    DAMO_INST_HOME : /mydiamo
    CIS_CC_HMAC_PATH : /mydiamo/lib64
     Program Copy Success
    ======================================================= file was decompressed successfully. file was decompressed successfully.
    Must restart the MySQL/MariaDB service.
    1) Yes
    2) No
    Would you like to MySQL/MariaDB restart now? 1
     Stop MySQL/MariaDB service
    Shutting down MySQL.. SUCCESS! 
     Start MySQL/MariaDB service
    Starting MySQL... SUCCESS! 
     Program Install Success
     Check your environment...
     Check DAMO_INST_HOME in the /etc/damo.conf file.
     Check CIS_CC_HMAC_PATH in the /etc/damo.conf file. 
    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# ls /mydiamo/
    bin        damo_kms.conf  lib    log         sql
    copyright  damo_lms.conf  key               lib64  readme.txt  support  version.txt
    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# mysql --login-path=mysql
    root@ [(none)]>show plugins;
    | Name                       | Status   | Type               | Library         | License |
    | DAMO_MYISAM                | ACTIVE   | STORAGE ENGINE     |      | GPL     |
    | DAMO_INNODB                | ACTIVE   | STORAGE ENGINE     |      | GPL     |

  • 產生新的key
    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# ./bin/keygen -a -N /mydiamo/key/ -L
     Incorrect handling of keygen may lead to a malfunction of MyDiamo.
     Please check the manual before attempting to make any changes.
    Enter the Site-Key Password: Abcd!234
    Enter the Site-Key Confirm Password: Abcd!234
    Enter the Console-Key Password: Abcd!234
    Enter the Console-Key Confirm Password: Abcd!234
    Enter the DB-Key Password: Abcd!234
    Enter the DB-Key Confirm Password: Abcd!234
    Generate Site Key Pair...
    Generate Console Key Pair...
    Generate DB Key Pair...
    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# ls key/
    damo_console.cer  damo_db.cer  damo_site.cer
    damo_console.key  damo_db.key  damo_site.key

  • 啟動keymanager

    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# ./bin/keymanager_cis-3.2 -start
    Log in to start software KeyManager.
    Enter the DB-key Password : Abcd!220
    parent end
    server port [0]
    cert file [/mydiamo/key/damo_db.cer]
    pri  file [/mydiamo/key/damo_db.key]
    encrypt cert data
    encrypt pri data
    lnAddress [4924930]
    shmget [720900]

  • 進入Console
    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# ./bin/damo_CLI -start
     |                                                   |
     |  Copyright (C) 2014 PENTA SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC.  |
     |  All rights reserved                              |
     |                                                   |
     |  MyDiamo command line interface(CLI)              |
     |                                                   |
    Login to start CLI.
    Enter the Console-key Password :
    [DAMO-2001] 'license.damo' does not exist or correct.
    There is something wrong with the license file.
    Please reissue the new AuthID and AuthCode at MyDiamo website, and active MyDiamo again.
    Input ID : MDFL-xxxxxxxx-2017-03-22_16-55-36    <= Email裡會提供
    Input Auth Code : 78c78d22ddjdosw802js5beab0356670a1d43b   <= Email裡會提供
    Succeeded to receive data from server.

  • 設定原則Policy
    MyDiamo > create policy nameFull"AES"VIV"0"0"CBC"RAW  ###設定整個欄位進行加密
    CREATE POLICY policy[nameFull] alg[AES] iv[VIV] partial-enc-pos[0] partial-enc-off[0], block mode[CBC], encode mode[RAW], enc flag[]
    MyDiamo > create policy namePart"AES"VIV"3"6"CBC"RAW    ###設定只對中間部份字串加密
    CREATE POLICY policy[namePart] alg[AES] iv[VIV] partial-enc-pos[3] partial-enc-off[6], block mode[CBC], encode mode[RAW], enc flag[]
    MyDiamo > create policy salary"AES"FIV"0"0"CFB"RAW  ###對數字進行加密只能使用FIV、CFB、RAW模式
    CREATE POLICY policy[salary] alg[AES] iv[FIV] partial-enc-pos[0] partial-enc-off[0], block mode[CFB], encode mode[RAW], enc flag[]
    MyDiamo > show policy                                                                    
    ------------<< All Policy ID Info. >>-------------
    |Policy ID|Enc. Alg.   |IV mode    |Partial Enc Pos|Partial Enc Offset|Block mode|Encode mode|Enc Flag|
    |nameFull |AES 128 bits|Variable IV|Non-Partial Enc|Non-Partial Enc   |CBC       |RAW        |        |
    |namePart |AES 128 bits|Variable IV|3              |6                 |CBC       |RAW        |        |
    |salary   |AES 128 bits|Fixed IV   |Non-Partial Enc|Non-Partial Enc   |CFB       |RAW        |        |
    There are 3 policies.
     SG-KMS Mode : NO KMS

  • 設定要加密的欄位
    語法說明:SET COLUMN <資料庫>"<資料表>"<欄位>"<原則名稱>
    MyDiamo > set column world"City"Name"nameFull
    SET COLUMN O[world] T[City] C[Name] P[nameFull]
    MyDiamo > set column world"Country"Name"namePart
    SET COLUMN O[world] T[Country] C[Name] P[namePart]
    MyDiamo > set column world"Salary"salary"salary
    SET COLUMN O[world] T[Salary] C[salary] P[salary]
    MyDiamo > show column
    --------<< All column info >>---------------------
    |Owner|Table  |Column|Policy ID|
    |world|City   |Name  |nameFull |
    |world|Country|Name  |namePart |
    |world|Salary |salary|salary   |
    There are 3 encrypted columns.

  • 使用者授權
    語法說明:SET PRIV ENC <使用者帳號>"<資料庫>"<資料表>"<欄位>"<加密0,1>"<解密0,1>
    MyDiamo > set priv enc app"world"City"Name"1"0
    SET PRIV ENC U[app] O[world] T[City] C[Name] EP[1] DP[0]
    MyDiamo > set priv enc app"world"Country"Name"1"1
    SET PRIV ENC U[app] O[world] T[Country] C[Name] EP[1] DP[1]
    MyDiamo > set priv enc app"world"Salary"salary"1"0
    SET PRIV ENC U[app] O[world] T[Salary] C[salary] EP[1] DP[0]
    MyDiamo > set priv enc accountant"world"Salary"salary"1"1
    SET PRIV ENC U[accountant] O[world] T[Salary] C[salary] EP[1] DP[1]
    MyDiamo > SET ENV DECRYPT DENY MASKING   ###這個設定是讓沒有權限解密的使用者看到欄位上出現**符號,沒有設定的話會直接reject查詢
    MyDiamo > show priv enc
    ------<< All User's enc/dec privilege info >>-----
    |User      |Owner|Table  |Column|Enc priv|Dec priv|
    |app       |world|City   |Name  |Yes     |No      |
    |app       |world|Country|Name  |Yes     |Yes     |
    |app       |world|Salary |salary|Yes     |No      |
    |accountant|world|Salary |salary|Yes     |Yes     |
    There are 4 enc/dec privilege settings.
     Decrypt deny mode      : Masking
    MyDiamo > save all

  • 進資料庫將剛剛的設定生效
    指令說明:call mysql.damo_table_migration('資料庫','資料表');
    "root@ [(none)]>call mysql.damo_table_migration('world','City');
    |           |
    1 row in set (0.51 sec)
    | ENC MIGRATION COMMAND                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
    | CREATE TABLE world.City ( ID int(11) NOT NULL  auto_increment, Name char(52) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL  DEFAULT '', CountryCode char(3) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL  DEFAULT '' , District char(20) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL  DEFAULT '' , Population int(11) NOT NULL  DEFAULT '0' , KEY CountryCode (CountryCode), PRIMARY KEY  (ID) ) ENGINE = DAMO_INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1  COMMENT ' (Enc.)'; |
    1 row in set (0.51 sec)
    | ORG TABLE RENAME COMMAND                    |
    | RENAME TABLE world.City TO world.City_damo; |
    1 row in set (0.51 sec)
    | DATA INSERT COMMAND                                   |
    | INSERT INTO world.City SELECT * FROM world.City_damo; |
    1 row in set (1.00 sec)
    | DROP TABLE world.City_damo; |
    1 row in set (2.23 sec)
    | DEC MIGRATION COMMAND                                                                                                   |
    | ALTER TABLE world.City MODIFY Name char(35) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL  DEFAULT '', ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT ''; |
    1 row in set (2.55 sec)
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (2.55 sec)
  • 驗證欄位是否有加密
    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uapp -papp world
    "app@ [world]>select * from City limit 2;
    | ID | Name                                            | CountryCode | District | Population |
    |  1 | *********************************************** | AFG         | Kabol    |    1780000 |
    |  2 | *********************************************** | AFG         | Qandahar |     237500 |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    "app@ [world]>select * from Salary limit 2;
    | eid | name       | salary | bonus |
    |   1 | Peter Pan  |      0 |  2000 |  ###因型態限制關係,加密後只會把正確的值變成0,而不會變成*
    |   2 | Judy Wendy |      0 | 20000 |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    [root@mysql-course mydiamo]# mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uaccountant -paccountant world
    "accountant@ [world]>select * from City limit 2;
    | ID | Name                                            | CountryCode | District | Population |
    |  1 | *********************************************** | AFG         | Kabol    |    1780000 |
    |  2 | *********************************************** | AFG         | Qandahar |     237500 |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    "accountant@ [world]>select * from Country limit 2;
    | Code | Name        | Continent     | Region                    | SurfaceArea | IndepYear | Population | LifeExpectancy | GNP     | GNPOld | LocalName             | GovernmentForm                               | HeadOfState   | Capital | Code2 |
    | ABW  | Ar******    | North America | Caribbean                 |      193.00 |      NULL |     103000 |           78.4 |  828.00 | 793.00 | Aruba                 | Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands | Beatrix       |     129 | AW    |
    | AFG  | Af******tan | Asia          | Southern and Central Asia |   652090.00 |      1919 |   22720000 |           45.9 | 5976.00 |   NULL | Afganistan/Afqanestan | Islamic Emirate                              | Mohammad Omar |       1 | AF    |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    "accountant@ [world]>select * from Salary;
    | eid | name       | salary | bonus |
    |   1 | Peter Pan  | 300000 |  2000 |
    |   2 | Judy Wendy |  70000 | 20000 |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

  • Debug集

    1. 找不到mysqlbug
      [root@mysql-course mydiamo]#./ -p /opt/mysql/bin -h -P 3307
                   MyDiamo Install Script
      [root@mysql-course D`Amo_MyDiamo_v3.0.9.4]# mysqlbug file does not exist(/opt/mysql/bin//mysql/mysqlbug).

      [root@mysql-course bin]# ln -s mysqld-debug mysqlbug
      [root@mysql-course bin]# ls -l mysqlbug 
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Mar 22 14:01 mysqlbug -> mysqld-debug
      # ./ -p /opt/mysql/bin -h -P 3307
                   MyDiamo Install Script
      [root@mysql-course D`Amo_MyDiamo_v3.0.9.4]# mysqlbug file does not exist(/opt/mysql/bin//mysql/mysqlbug).
      解法二: 搞了半天,是它在編碼裡面寫死了不管你前面帶的目錄是什麼,它就是依你給的目錄下找~./mysql/mysqlbug
      [root@mysql-course mysql]# ln -s /opt/mysql/bin /opt/mysql/mysql
      [root@mysql-course mysql]# ls -l /opt/mysql/mysql
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Mar 22 14:06 /opt/mysql/mysql -> /opt/mysql/bin
    2. The table has no privileges. Please check enc/dec or access privileges.
      "root@ [(none)]>call mysql.damo_table_migration('world','Salary');
      | error                                                          |
      | Selected policy is not supported or has incorrect information. |
      1 row in set (0.41 sec)
      MyDiamo > set priv enc root"world"City"Name"1"1
      SET PRIV ENC U[root] O[world] T[City] C[Name] EP[1] DP[1]
      MyDiamo > set priv enc root"world"Country"Name"1"1
      SET PRIV ENC U[root] O[world] T[Country] C[Name] EP[1] DP[1]
      MyDiamo > set priv enc root"world"Salary"salary"1"1
      SET PRIV ENC U[root] O[world] T[Salary] C[salary] EP[1] DP[1]
      MyDiamo > save all
      SAVE ALL 
      "root@ [(none)]>call mysql.damo_table_migration('world','Salary');
      | PARTITION |
      |           |
      1 row in set (0.23 sec)
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.06 sec)




    【工作筆記】SQL Timeout追蹤


    MySQL Router 設定檔說明